Wednesday, February 27, 2008

message from weird expanding reality

The eight circuits of the human nervous system winner scripts.

I will live forever or die trying. - bio-survival circuit

I am free. You are free. We can have the same trip or we can have our separate trips. -emotional-territorial circuit

I am learning more about everything including how to learn more. - laryngial-tool manipulation circuit

Love and do what thou wilt. -socio-sexual circuit

How I feel depends on my neurological know-how. -somatic awareness circuit.

I create my own synchronicities, coincidences, luck, and destiny. -metaprogramming circuit.

Furture evolution depends on my decisions now. - mythological awarness circuit.

What is believed true is true or becomes true within limits to be learned through experience and experiment. - the mystery circuit-

Saturday, February 23, 2008

transforming chronic disturbance and anxiety

Run program

program begin

accessing signal



signal found

signal scan begin


warning! signal hacked

intrusion found

anomaly quarantined

system innoculated


signal scan

signal clean



signal clear

signal clean

signal scan complete


begin running program


" bring this mind, these emotions, every thought arising within this one, together into the presence of peace.

I receive the blessing of perfect peace into my deepest heart of hearts for the purpose of releasing all beings everywhere from suffering.

I breath forth this peace back into the sacred heart of the world with every precious breath.

I am the way that expresses this peaceful living, now, in this community.


sealed with a silver cross

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Techno Shamanix : Genius Illumination rite part 1

Prepare for a journey within
where mystery unravels into self.
This is where the listening must begin.
In order to plug into the spiritual dimension,
you must first reconnect to your own essence,
to where your attachment to the mother
of this physical dimension was conceived.
-Black Wolf-

I know that i hung on a windy tree nights all nine
wounded by the spear given to othinn myself to mySelf
on that tree of which no man knoweth from what root it rises
they dealt me no bread nor drinking horn
i looked down;
i took up the runes roaring i took them, and fell back again

genius runa

primitive drive
strong appetite for food and sex and other survival needs

Thin boundaries
Moves easily between conscious un-conscious and sensory realms.

Original observer
Fearless unconventional thinking. Unswayed by general opinion

Autoletic discipline
enjoys learning and study/practise as a form of recreation.

Strong left brain abilities
Acute analytical skills. Able to translate insights into language or math or symbols.

Noble spirit
strong spiritual purpose

Perform the ritual work to anchor these ingredients as resource states to be called upon in a later ritual called " the genius meme installation".
Create vivid intense enjoyable inner experiences of these "genius runa" and anchor the states to word and symbol sigils you have created for the seven "genius runa" states in color above. If one doesnt know how to create inner experiences, anchor a state, or sigilize, refer to the techno shamanic online quest ritual and search for this info - use the invisible university to learn lifelong!-. Anchor the state and sigil with an anthropomophic form e.g. gandi or bugs bunny for the original observer state.

mana breath
The mana breath can be used to empower workings.

This breath is an inhale for 4 count while reverse whispering mah , hold for 4, exhale for 7 and intone naaah, hold for 4, continue, etc.. Work up to two minutes of this, gradually, over seven days if you are a typical urban howlie.
Howlie: aboriginal word for whitey that means- a man who doesn't know how to breathe.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Dreaming Answers

natural exercise Arouse yourself from sleep tonight at 3 am . Have a pen and paper or voice recorder ready to record your dreams. Allow yourself to drift back to sleep while holding hand and forearm upwards at a 45 degree angle to your upper arm and elbow which still rest on your bed . As you fall into deep sleep your hand and forearm will fall causing you to startle. Write down or record what you were thinking about or dreaming.

To answer a question merely intend to do so before dreaming and be sure to write your question down in notebook or record. After dreaming you may meditate on the dream symbols meanings in relation to the question.

techno shamanic exercise: Use this exercise near a computer that is online and dream yourself online. A website with abstract happy animation or something similar are good media to start with. Face the screen so that it would be visible should you open your eyes. Record all experiences.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Technoshamanism or the computer as Magical tool #1

This blog will be the first in an ongoing series of related installments. They are all about technoshamanic rites of divination, illumination, enchantments, invocation, evocation, all performed/experienced using web sites, magickal and radionics software, and of course a computer and other technology based devices.
You may want to be reading recent speculative fiction like onspec magazine, cyberpunk sorcery from author william gibson, or "the spirit in the wire" by charles delint for a kick start in creative approaches to this art.

Basic beliefs/cognitive tools-
Shamanism is a craft, an art, and so can be practised by any body regardless of their religious belief.
Shamanism involves learning to awaken and use unknown facets of self(such as dreaming), rebalancing oneself in the face of these astonishing facets of self such that they are of practical use, now.
Shamanism is a living manifestation and grows and changes from time to time and so there exists different ages of, or approaches to, shamanism.
We are currently shifting into a new manifestation of this path , possibly one that unites the highest aspects of all previous approaches. Earlier paths had more emphasis on personal power and competitiveness, later paths were characterised by the quest for total freedom and became focussed on perception. The new manifestation would seem like a lifting up of all into realms of total freedom perhaps?...

Our computers are not only extentions of ourselves and a globally shared brain but also sacred manifestations of mystery. Its all online!

before hand- give yourself an opulent time as if you are a living divine royalty. Take as many days as you can for this with a minimum of three days.
set time and space in which you won't be disturbed for an hour or 2
and then,
first-imagine a sphere of energy around you, ones small circle, now state powerfully" it is my intension to twist the fabric of reality"," may all beings benefit from this".
2nd-clear and activate computer magickally as you would consecrate and empower any magickal tool, sprinkling a little water on it and naming it in the process. From this point on address the computer as if it were equally true that it was a living conscious friend and simultaneously just a facet of self.

rite to obtain basic techno shamanic tools to focus and enhance powers

Begin this rite as the sun goes down.

Intention. we intend to enter into trance and surf the net questing for magickal software and knowledge guided by our spirit team through e-omens.

get online and e-quest to :

download transparent software's Neuroprogrammer. The trial download is made available by going through purchase options and selecting download when prompted.

download (freetrial)cybershaman software, here is their blurby-"Cybershaman is a complete software system specifically developed to unleash the awesome power of the mind. The most compelling feature is how easily this can be accomplished. The computer is the perfect tool for the application of this new technology. Cybershaman is a causal manifestation interface based on focused intent and Universal Law. At the core, it is driven by the combined principles of non-linear resonance, quantum computing, and sacred geometry, coupled with focused intent." ,
and then fully install both softwares and testdrive.
Then run a preset on cybershaman(learn by doing, ask online, read manual), i suggest "good luck in general" while running neuroprogrammer(read documentation) on the delta session with headphones and with flashing.
Reopen your browser and resize it to be smaller than your screen so that it will sit in the middle of the screen with a border all around the browser window. Give it an inch border all around for the flasher to flash at you from .
Now, the neuro programmers light and sound brain entrainment will shift ones assemblage point to a non ordinary awareness. Delta rythyms are reported in shamanic journeying.
The cybershaman will focus and amplify and transmit or receive your intended energies.
One may work for a while with the c.s. in the fore ground just watching the cybershamans screen running as one slips into a trance from experiencing the neuroprogrammer.
after 10 minutes, switch back to the browser , call to your spirit team and computer by name and now state intention-to enter the internet as though entering a dream or another dimension. Then do so. This time you will quest for the rest of the software for this series of instructional blogs. I will not provide any clues other than the ones on this blog entry as to what softwares one will need. This way one may be surprized to find evidence of being guided through an awareness of omens perhaps from "the Spirit of the Wire" when later i tell you to obtain a software and you will have already done so. Quest also for archives of magickal or shamanic data, divination freeware, chaos magick software, orgone and radionics devices and software, online work communities, and online shamanic or magickal webpages of note , in short, explore the internet's resources using your intuition.
When finished, thank guides, ground energy, and then return to normal consciousness by eating and taking a shower if necesary.

please do mangle and change as needed , love and do what thou wilt.

all questions and comments appreciated.
p.s make sure you use the neuro programmer every chance you get before the trial runs out. We recommend buying it and using it daily or whenever using the computer. Basically you can train your brain and gland systems in the background synergized with other work you are doing on the computer or you can design completely immersive light and sound experiences. Well worth the price as a non commercial application.