Friday, March 30, 2007

Sunjye walks among you.

This is the rough pattern for our stone balance circle ceremony. We usually place the center stone first, to honour the planet. Each stone placed on the circumferance is placed with intention and to honour some aspect of the creation.
The circle ceremony gives form to the human capacity for reverence and connection. May any good energy created by these efforts be for the good of all sentient beings without exception.
We aim to bring shamanic power and ecstatic intoxication to the body an denziens of our lady toronto with these stone "acupuncture" placements.
Sunjye will be emerging from secret underground kingdoms to be found walking down surface city streets in an unsuspecting human world. Look for S. on queen st w. at soho st. if you wish to be glandscaped by an encounter with this shamanic teacher and living prophet.
sunjye is here now because feeding frenzy devil people are among the worlds most arrogant and insensitive hairless primates, it is true! sunjyes message is to Reindigenize all of oneself as soon as possible and as often as possible or be harvested in a cosmic balancing ceremony, o.k. pops?. Only those in community with all life will survive this shift. Keep ones balance and seek to learn not teach when approaching sunjye or s. will let you flouder and flop about expressing the unethical ignorance prevailent in our host society.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Happy Spring!

Remember to include a little outdoor earth/nature connection ceremony now that spring is here. Without sacred ceremony we forget our place in the web of life and fall out of balance. Awaken to nature often, remember more of yourSelf through this. Open to nature even if painful. Open and listen.
Hey you, supernatural ones , teach us. Thank you.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

loving kindness to you!

We ceremonialise together often to continually reconnect to the sacred. All else flows from conscious connection to higher centrums.

The tools for raising oneself from the dead.

The Balance Center mens group

The Balance Center is an everchanging manifestation of self actualized evolutionary agents. We each have our own approaches to living which differ according to our typicalities, but we tolerate (and enjoy) each other to accomplish altruistic or mutually beneficial dharma.
For example we have a very informal mens group(there is a womans grouping too!) that has been very supportive and empowering for all of us happy mutant men. We spontaneously lift each other up , help each other with dicipline or focus, or sometimes physical labour is shared. We have also found asocial activities (meditation and etc.) to be a good part of what we do around each other. So our mens group (as yet unnamed) has gelled and has started initiating projects in response to our host society and communities. We have started showing films whose common themes explore the esoteric commonalities between humans behaviors once a month at the Newmarket Public Library. Next we plan to show a film called the red pill. It discusses our modern situation from an evolutionary agents perspective using popular metaphors and novel digital medias.
Next it seems we will be doing something more primitive like a drumming circle. This will most likely be a regular ingredient in our interactions.
We are also planning a wilderness vision quest soon. This is a wilderness initiation, and as such is definitely an ordeal and not a pleasure trip, although the positivity gained from initiation is definitely life changing. This Quest involves fasting in isolation in the wilderness, along with some ritual formed by the intention to die and be reborn(in a transformation process). We will consider facilitating this process with persons who wish to become self initiated(by nature) through the vision quest ceremony.
Facilitation is mainly from sunjye who has been questing shamanically for 24 years and also with other mens group members who are commited to waking up to love enlightenment and divine realisation, as well as complete healing and empowerment. If you want to come along email me

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Balance Center

A zen balance garden at twilight is great for meditation, a commonality to all human transcendent practises.
Love and kindness to all.
Do you like mysticism and poetry? The Balance Center presents rumi-turning ecstatic at the newmarket p.l. tuesday march 13th 7-9 pm

stone balance ceremony pix!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

good impressions

On tuesday march 13 7-9p.m. at the Newmarket public library the Newmarket Balance Center will be presenting a film and discussion with Tina Petrova the creator of a beautiful and life changing film, RUMI-TURNING ECSTATIC. This is a rare exquisite opportunity to learn about one of the most precious poet mystic masters of all time. 5 dollars at door, p.w.y.c. seniors, unwaged and students.

Deeksha blessings in markham

Deeksha means initiation. This blessing was given by avatars of enlightenment sri amma bhagavan through guides that have received deeksha. The folks at the Newmarket balance center received a book donation of a book called deeksha which led to attending this weekly blessing ceremony. The book, Recently published, spoke of living divine avatars who can give full awakening to oneness! Full enlightenment and god realisation are now available for all who want to help awaken the planet in preparation for the now ariving golden age through these twin avatars of god present on earth.
this one's experience of receiving a blessing was like this;
After satsang (chanting and singing celebration) a few people shared experiences of miraculous phenomena that have occured around sri amma bhagavan and their teachings and artifacts.
Then the initiated started adoring the picture of sri amma bhagavan(which seemed alive) and ecstatically shaking. The initiate in front approached and firmly put one or two fingers on the fontanel. This felt like a warm energy needle penetrating to the center of one's brain. The initiate then firmly placed both hands on our head and this one felt sensations of being empty with energy flowing into one and through one. This became so intense that this one was being shaken and moved by it like a cartoon being electrocuted! Then when she removed her hands this one instantly felt profoundly silent and peaceful and was in a state of deep meditation in spite of the joy and blessings going on around we. This phenomena seems to be real! We all have something to learn from these wonderful loving souls. email the balance center for info

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Balance Ceremony

The other night we had a dream that each balance was being rocked on an etheric level by elementals or spirits, and this somehow creates a healing current from between the rocks where they become onenondualyoga.
This exqusite balance was created in a healing garden in whitchurch-stouffville.
The other day we received a call from a friend on who's new property we performed a two day blessing and balance ceremony. It seems the balances, which followed a line along the moira river, attracted a flock of geese away from their usual spots further along the river. The geese stayed beside the balances until they came down then left. This phenomena occurs often around balance ceremonies , and not only with geese. We will discuss another time.

Surfing the big memory circuit!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Rumi film

The newmarket balance center will be showing an acclaimed film that has already been shown across Canada. A film about Rumi the sufi poet/turning master. This work, I've been told, tends to create an emotional experience that opens the heart with beautiful impressions.
We at the balance center are showing this for many reasons, some of which are:
- to respond to the fear of the unknown demonstrated at recent protests against a mosque opening.
- this is the U.N.s, year of Rumi.
-to provide positive impressions about esoteric islam to counteract pop media's hyped up negative portrayal of islam which seems to be basically u.s. terrorwar propaganda.
- to perform a ceremony for harmonizing all energies around interfaith tolerance and support and for the real benefit and liberation of all sentient beings without exception.
Come see this film mar 13th at the newmarket public library in the main presentation space, 5 bucks suggested donation. From the posters ive seen, this movie was usually shown for 15-20 dollars a ticket , but we managed to get it for 5! All proceeds go to the film maker (she deserves it!)who will actually be on hand speaking about the film! None of the 5$ goes to the balance center, so consider a small donation to us as well to support future similar projects. The film will be preceeded and finished by a brief planet honouring standingstoneceremony by sunjye the shaman!
call 416 8384775 sunjye
or 905 9538291 frank
for info
We fund these and other efforts with donations. please donate now-