Wednesday, June 27, 2007

open sez me

Once, Someone decided to do Something. Instantly, three Others appeared.
"Who are you? asked Someone.
"I am Church, " said Church.
"I am State, " said State.
"I am Self, " said Self.
"Oh, " said Someone. "Well, why are you here?"
"We heard you had decided to do Something. We've come to appeal to your principles, and determine whether
you should actually do it, " said the three Others.
Someone frowned. "I don't understand. Why is it your business?"
Church replied first, "I stand for those principles highest to you: what you believe is right and wrong, your
morality, so to speak. I appeal to purposes and guiding principles in your life beyond mere personal desires--"
Here Self winced. "--and societal cares. " Here State winced.
State replied second, "I stand for the guiding principles behind civilized man, and behind the government to
which you have pledged obedience, allegiance and cooperation. My principles are the protective and collective,
standing well apart from religion--" Here Church sighed. "--and providing a needed order to the often harmful
whims of Self. " Here Self sighed.
Self replied third, "I stand for the rights of you, the individual. The principles I urge you to consider are your
rights and freedoms, which nobody, not the deluded religious establishment--" Here Church groaned. "--nor the
idiotic governmental bureaucracy--" Here State groaned. "--should strive to suppress. "
But I just want to do Something, " said Someone, "and you all are making it so complicated!"
"You have responsibilities, " said the Others.
"To your God, " said Church.
"To your society, " said State.
"To yourself, " said Self.
"To heck with this!" said Eris, entering from a dark corner where she had been hiding, unseen. She reached
inside her dark robes, letting them part just enough to give Someone a fascinating look at the Goddess-flesh
beneath, and produced a golden apple.
"I've got sumpin' ummy!" she said, holding the apple by the stem and dangling it in front of the three Others.
"And I want to give it to the one of you that most deserves to have Someone listen to what you say. "
She then tossed the apple into the midst of the Others, who fought after it in a comic cloud-of-smoke arms-andlegs-
akimbo fashion. She laughed loudly.
"Now, what was it you wanted to do?" she asked Someone.
"Something, " said Someone.
"I know that!" Eris snapped. "WHAT WAS IT?"
Someone recoiled from the fire in Eris' eyes. "I--I wanted to go eat a hot dog. Without any bun. "
Slowly, Eris smiled. "Hey, you know, you just might be *my* kind of someone. "
The two of them then went to the Zen Hotdog Stand at the corner of Yin Street and Yang Avenue (next to the
HodgePodge Lodge, you know?). There, without a thought to Church, or State, or even Self, they asked the
vendor to make them One With Everything.

Don't read this!

A man who had studied much in the schools of wisdom
finally died in the fullness of time and found himself
at the Gates of Eternity.
An angel of light approached him and said, "Go no further,
O mortal, until you have proven to me your worthiness
to enter into Paradise!"
But the man answered, "Just a minute now. First of all, can
you prove to me this is a real Heaven, and not just
the wild fantasy of my disordered mind undergoing death?"
Before the angel could reply, a voice from inside the gates
"Let him in - he's one of us!"

There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is Goddess.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is your Goddess.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is real.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is imaginary.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is all the Gods and Goddesses.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is everything.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is nothing.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and She is Love.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and She is Chaos.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and She is ERIS.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

jedi knight sunjye, at your service.

balancing rocks with yoda?
Where does the kinetic energy go?
down into the earth?

is this why people feel relaxed and centered from observing a stone balance assembly?

does this earth connecting heal then?

the observers of stone balancing seem to make it easier or more difficult, depending on their beliefs and intentions.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Anarch or sadomasochist or insane

Remember friends, doing the same things repetitively could be modeled as a type of senile dementia. How many times do you do the same things, day in day out , without being deeply present? Many sunjye meets , within and without, are going in definite little circles behaviour wise.
On this planet the walking wounded seem to outnumber the enlightened active citizens. Perhaps if one is deliberately self owned and responsible to all life not just herding around the material feeding frenzy trough, one may come to similar conclusions.That is, of course, if one is aligned with earth and heaven and one doesn't need or want to be part of the horizontal feeding frenzy which is at best zany and ironic and at worst anti-human.
Watch! one may be an unknowing dupe for that which one is philosophically opposed.
if you don't want war, don't support it, be impeccable.
if you are disgusted by the greed that destroys, don't support it in any way.
if you think famous people are irresponsible egomaniacs, don't support or watch them.
Stop watching tv entirely if only because it seem to much like mind control propaganda. Use the internet(wisely) for info. The intelligence difference after one year tv free is most shocking!
If you are just raising a family the greedy ones may have you conditioned to work and consume and the war mongers want to use your offspring to obtain glory(its alway seems empty in the end, historically) . The fame junkies want your worship to fuel their ego's (and bank accounts) so this formerly neutral game has been co-opted by greedy or famous or warmonger people to suit their ends and this game is now played in many ways, not just neutrally.

Some additional data:
There is a 600 mercenary deputy army in new orleans authorized to use deadly force. This is because all national guard etc are in iraq. These mercenaries are hired by a corporation with a contract to the bush administration. Careful in how we undo things or this is what greedy and warmonger will try to do if our artificial cage shopping mall society breaks down negatively- mccontrol things(us) with violence. We have to move to a higher level in a way that allows out evolved forms to become naturally irrelevant. This is an information war! Take no prisoners!

Break free every day into metanoia, aim to become impeccably free and original. The main weapon against conscious evolution-those who would be empowered to own themselves perfectly- is isolation, therefore the best counter attack would be to have fun in public with other people. Do it every day!

Friday, June 08, 2007

modern shamanism

The contemporary shaman has been on the edges, in between, waiting to perform its function for those brave enough or desperate enough to ask this definitely not normal being to help.
The shaman is a soul guide/healer. If one doesnt have a soul the shaman knows how to build one.

Haunted by greater self awareness?
Having trouble ignoring coincidences, synchronicity luck and destiny?
Need rudimentary D.I.Y. shamanism guidance? (a shaman without the gift is nothing, but the gift is nothing without the work)
Just bury 203$ in a jar in your back(or side) yard, one of our underground agents will jetisson your cabbage. hail eris all hail discordia. OM