Saturday, December 15, 2007

LOnely? Reindigenize yourself as an antidotE to lonelyness.

One may find oneself surrounded by people but feeling alone nonetheless. We seem to set things up in our personal life experiences as if we are separate from all other beings and things. Yet the truth remains that every good thing one experiences is provided ultimately by the earth, a vast living being, our planetary mother. Those items most fundamental to the materialist, our bodies , was given freely by her. She who in her inexhaustable dis-interested love of us all , providing unconditionally, may serve as an example of how to live.

don juan when refering to the her said "for a warrior there can be no greater love"

The real world is the earth and sky, these parents provide all we need. When we separate ourselves from our awareness of this truth we literally disown a large part of ourselves.We create a neurosis . If we aren't all of ourselves we self-reflect, the more we self-reflect the more we exist in reason removed from direct experience, and so, the more we are not ourselves, the more we self-reflect etc. and round and round. We trade our potential to become complete natural beings. We trade our unknown potentials for guarantees of futures(however illusory) within modern society which teaches us to own everything, including the earth and sky. And so we wind up being owned ourselves, and separated by our way of living, we are externally dependant for food shelter clothes love etc on a manmade system which is based on ownership and exploitation of our infinitely loving planetary and solar "parents". We tell ourselves lies to avoid the truth. We are enslaved divinity. Symbolically we tell our friends we own them (you're MY friend) and then proceed to use and exploit them like we are a multi national and they are oil, some are lower on the food chain, some are higher. This seems like a lonely situation.
A warrior depends on their own resources within a matrix of earth and sky to provide all their need and wishes. Experienceing real oneness with nature, the warrior notices trees plants minerals soil, birds insects animals forests lakes rivers mountains are their siblings and teachers and friends and challengers and is never alone again.
i take refuge in the company of spiritual souls

Sensing energy

1. attend to sensations on the surface of your physical body.

2. Attend to sensations and feelings within the physical body.

3. Attend to sensations and feelings of non-ordinary energies immediately surrounding the physical body and extending up to two feet out from it.

4. attend to awarenesses of non-ordinary energies within the physical body

1 comment:

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