Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Arts of Joy
This is not pop psychology.
I am obliged to pass on this warning before you proceed
. I expect the reader to work to understand, so pay attention to your heartbeat and breathing . Understand with total self in experience. This will help the reader to be more present to the communication offered. To better receive these instructions, it is good to access astonishment and feeling the charge, rush and tingle of wonder. While reading, practice sensing your body, and inquire openly as long as you can before concluding and answering any questions that arise from your reading. Sense the idea, feel it as emotion, be totally present to the process. Staying uncertain and inquiring deeply are very helpful. In this blog be prepared to encounter non-ordinary information about where we humans came from, what we are and what our possible potentials and responsibilities may be. So, dear reader be warned , the highest art of the shaman is joy but if you proceed experientially and inquiring deeply you risk madness and possible ickyness on the way. However, if you do not proceed experientially, inquiring deeply, you could never truly understand what I am writing about. Be warned!
ex. 1 Drop into your body. Settle into your current posture and gesture and mask, relax and expand, let go. Sense your facial tension mask, hold then relax. Quietly feel the emotions proceeding through yourself. Breathe now, with more awareness, one delicious breath while sensing your body very deeply, scanning with adoration powered attention, and think “Good thoughts breathe. Good sense grow.”
You may use this blog experientially as a software would use an upgrade, aligning oneself with the current living network of those working for higher dimensions. Through experience and experiment and with help, allowing this new data to improve ones inner structure, improving ones chance of being more present to life. The change we seek here is a transformation of being. This upgrade comes with a risk though as all real change by its very nature is risky. The being is our truest deep self. We have bodies and sensations, We have minds, We have emotions, we are our being. Transformation seems to be 100 percent attitudinal and this may seem safe and positive enough but changing even one part of the physical, or mental, or emotional “centers” in our human vehicles may collapse the whole structure and remove one's chance to work in the real.
This blog can be read as one would read a novel or one may open the blog at random and start and stop and start again elsewhere to create other connections between the informations besides the purely linear connections suggested by the process of printed word.
You may notice I use some strange spellings and words at times. This is a “heads up” that you should muster yourself to work to inquire into what meaning/s are intended.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Freedom is Freeing Conditioning technically known as brain damage.
My thinking could be more than ruminating if i bring my feelings and sensing and thinking together as one, I know deeply. Have you ever known anyone with more joie de vivre than most and wondered how they are so liberated? Well you are really the only one here, dancing with myself.
So at some point I shattered and realised all self restriction of my inner god(super ego maybe) was stuffed in there by a bunch of suffering fools, who are also me, when i was two-11 years old.
Everything except perhaps not stealing others property and not initiating violence, taking the shared load of all humanity before being self serving, and courtesy like not playing music loud enough to wake my neighbors are the only things really necessary for our civilisation of me to operate. All the rest, tens of thousands of inner and outer laws, are purely arbitrary. A bunch of b.s.(belief system).
If god only needed 10 laws why do I need 100000? All of law and culture is empty made up work with no basis in reality. A bunch of huey that would never stand up without the monopoly on force and violence behind it. I can be told word after word about why and how inner and civilian laws operate, but I have never been shown an actual real existing reason with any clarity, and so these words and works are fantasy to me now. It is hard for me to impartially observe the limits of our collective stupidity, I must be collectively stupid. It seems like an endless dollar fantasy that has me and most humans by the short hairs. It seems I and my society has set up as a system of control where the inner or outer authorities have conditioned Me to police myself through the inculcation of the super ego structures. I censor everything within myselves mostly without my own awareness. Sometimes I fear many internal and external I's of identity would rather go down with this slave ship than disembark at paradise because the cost of attention is so high and it hurts to brainchange and we are deeply sleeping to avoid the void within. a feeling I feel as a reactive negative mechanical chronic reaction to my reactions at noticing my burning desire for the beloved. I was afraid to feel love and humiliated that i had fear and angry because of that, all automatically without my real presence being involved, and it is looking like this fear of my own truest deepest desires has crippled me in many ways from being myself and reaching full potentials. When I'm not authentically myself I'm a slave to mechanical forces. Waking up from this hypnosis involves taking back my attention and power from where they have been deployed. You do not owe a thief or a murderer internal or external the truth, protect yourself. You are breaking some inner or outer governments law right now and it was simply made up from whole cloth with no basis in reality and they can come and kidnap(imprison) you into a very restrictive space whenever they want.
So now being more free of my own arbitrary conditioning and moving into stable awakening is more desirable than taking drugs or drinking or drifting by sleepliving nose to the grindstoned to avoid fear/pain awareness. I like the state of my brain and etc.(including fear/pain) so much now that an unexamined reliance on alcohol and drugs and meaningless labour for those I disrespectfully/falsely label murderous lying theiving bosses have fallen away. I love all myself and god the one now.
I know I have been the infant terrible within's terror tool. All that restriction taught by so many authorities has been internalised, so I'm going to steal the power from these parts of myself. The parts that feels guilt and shame and anxious and say's should too much.
Don't, don't be frightened about me sacrificing my suffering, be frightened. The body loves a good thrill once in a while. Become who you are, feel what you feel. What do you smell right now? Adore your listening. My fear becomes fearless when i am with it fully. Fearlessly throw off the contamination of fundamental fear. Desire fearlessly.
What is your most awakened Desire?
What is impeccability?
Sunday, February 08, 2009
River be blessed
Merry Candlemas! Imbolc, pregnant maiden, white goddess, the suns return grows stronger.
To „look with your closed eyes” at your foot is a way to view it objectively, thus creating a sense of detachment. Your body knows how to do this.
Notice material you would swear was actually on the blog this time, but not last time, or the total presence of faraway, delicate odors.
I have been enjoying the flux of the weather lately. I believe the conditions will be good for balancing stones again soon. If you wish to join me email me for info. You may also use this email to inquire about the esteric study groups offered by me and my friends in Toronto.
I am also working on :
- Guidance, accelerative learning/peak experience work, healing and ceremony for individual clients who I work with privately. Free consultation available.
- I facilitate esoteric study groups and martial arts/taoist yoga classes in the toronto area.
- I perform earth and community healing ceremonies in public space or for nature. You may join in!
- I teach the shamanic art of stone balancing, privately, and in drop in classes, and workshops.
- I act as a terminal midwife for the dead or dying.
I'm also available to create info-blogs like this one for you, email me!
D. from Bring Back the Don reported that salmon came back to the don river last spring! D. has been working tirelessly for this for many years. What can you do to impove the health of the river nearest you?
Be sure to check out, Bardo Bard: self realization is not self expression
Below is an excellent video (the first part) about shamanic healers around the world. There are 8 parts to it.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Being an Interdimensional Troubleshooter
Hi everybody! The youtube videos above are readings from the American Book of the Dead by shamanic rabi E.J.Gold. This book, ABotD, is a map of the six lower dimensions in the macrodimensions through which we voyage. This book is read to the dying and dead, the sick and those going through transitions.
The following is an article i wrote many years ago about my experience of traveling and selling zines. I was able to travel and learn/teach/guide/heal/be healed , and make a living from very humble art. The writing style was zany and experimental so please excuse the strangenesses.
If you don 't know im not telling!?
in lakech, red E to make efforts to grok?
E wuz in Calgary werkjerking for a christian orgY enthusiast cacabinetmaker(no makin all installin) an not liking wakinG up early, not likin' geting h-om-e la-t-e, not liking doin' someone elses shoddy labour, not liking contributing to what e percieved as a criminally deadening, stupidly mechanical and predictably wastefull way of life(unexamined consumer culture) and e had succeeded (in spite ov this ones own thick idiocy)in shattering meself with ontological questions already with previoussss axsper-E-ments, so e quit at the werst t-im-e , just before rentraperobbery day . STILL, DRINKING IN SPACE. Thusly propelled into a super stressed state e desired to break through to really know what e truely desired in many areas of this ones life. E then created a synasthasia indusive hypno-substructured non-linear multimodality many leveled atmoshere, concentrated and consecrated myself as though e wuz on fire, achieved gnosis with the humble keepers of the secret and fired off a sigil photon torpedo. E then laughed ( it wuz eeezeee- e wuz in an absurd state). E then , maddly in love with eris, my goddess, concocted a collage booklet made by folding one page into an 8 pg booklet complete with escape hatch/talking oracle, thee cover showed neoshamanic sky dwellers , aliens, in connection with human brains. One page -easily mmmm-ass producable, almost no investment required, perfect ?job? for a wholy nomad. e filled it with sum writing. Later issues were mainly intense collages with shazamanizm aphorismz and nonsense syncronized suggestionz. E was reading tim leary, e.j. gold, robert anton wilson, john lily, peter carroll, phil hine, carlos casteneda, crowley, christopher hyatt, gurdjieff, osho, mantak chia, chogyam trungpa, philip farber,william burroughs, blake,stephen hayes, masaki hatsumi, william gibson, stephen flowers aka edred thorson, antero ali, topy, and crazy amounts of downloaded text on similar, related and random topics from the internet. E wanted to cut the word lines of my sources as suggested. The scissors cut things loose, severing connections, the glue binds things in knew strange absurd revealing possibly instructive ways. Magiq Placement is deliberate nondeliberate en-trance placement to ensure subconscious data factors(curazy wizdum). And in an inspired state decided that this wuz sharable magick and mutagenic impressions to feed starving mutants. So e went out into the streets (17th ave ) and proceeded to calibrate crowds for mutant content and following my knows it allways knows e approached people and stating e wuz an interdimensional trouble shooter mutating the primates ov this obscure mamamudball with absolutely ruthless weirdness radiations disguised as crackpot pamphlets and deep underground art -memetic bombs . the price wuz up to the individual, all offerz accepted ,practise in non-attachment for thee seller and pract-tise in thinking for oneself insstead ov being told thee dogmaticvalue for thee buyer. e thinks the punk shamanism appealed to many for e discovered to this ones delight that this exercise wuz more financially rewarding than the wage slavery position kindly shoved down my throat by every authority(tyrant) who had the opportunitie to. Especially the hungry ghost hellbeing-like ones who seemed to be suffering the most from the horizontal hog in trough feeding frenzy of suicidal homicidal lifestyles + certain inner death pushed on modern who man beings by each other. E also wuz more able to have complete freedom to set up ones life. E did what e wanted for a while. Then e moved in gradual and playful steps to more discilpine, So e took on a wholy mission . to consistantly blow persons minds in thee hope that through continual astonishment and the deliberate do it yourself induction ov the charge rush and tingle ov wonder and love we will crystalyze a knew coyoteagory ov openess to miracles. So armed with meta-memetic media vacinationz + unresonably happy blisstantra mutant dzogchen pleasure pod vibe e twist thee fabrick ov consensus scurrying with sly chaos to see wut fallz out! E meat (still today) 20 - 50 sometimes a cupla hun-dread ?people? every day, so this method acts as a perpetual novelty engine, what with all the weirdos on the streets these days in the magickal lively zones surrounding most cities business cores, Places with cafes bookstores bars unique stores and a great variety ov pedestrian traffic, vectors ov attraction for seekers and culturally creative types. E seek to engage the cozmic intercourse flow experience to swim subtle currents guided by omens and coincidance to the heart ov the city, the heart which may appear any where. Inter-e-sted? , curious perhaps? Well, find the strange mo0od between the raindrops and i will be waiting there to share neo shamanic dataahh humbly packaged- if you don't know i'm not telling, mo substance less sim-mage, ontological neuro-guerrila style psycho-hazards.. l-ov-e thee high fool pope dr. rev. J-sun-j fNord,
praise eris, all hail discordia! And thee polysexual golden apples remotely operating your multisensory holy mountain.
Some of the things i practised taught and studied during this nomadic zine period were summarized in this listing below.
One begins to observe ones movements and body by focussing all ones attention on a small part of ones body making simple movements. Seeing it, sensing it, knowing it is happening, set up a rhythm, now become aware of emotions too! At this point one is using three centrums! Gradually progress to more complicated movements and timing with more parts of the body. Eventually practice this exercise with every movement in ones every day life.
One learns to consciously relax every part of ones body while being still and sitting or lying down or standing in various positions and eventually even while moving. Start simple and progress. Pick one sitting position and use it consistently. You don't have to use a traditional posture; any that won't injure with prolonged holding are fine. Begin with committing to maintaining absolute stillness no matter what, this will stabilize and quieten ones body initially but becomes a source of force as unconscious squirming and fidgeting tendencies surface. The only way out of these seems to be through them. Break through the barrier however it manifests (itching, pain, tickling, etc.), and it will manifest eventually. Listen to your own heartbeating with pure being attention. Do this initially 3 to 6 times per day for about 5 minutes. Find the times in your schedule that easily lend themselves to this non-activity (subway, buses, waiting rooms, just after waking, just before sleep, etc.)
One learns to breathe consciously fully and deeply in all stages of breathing from a position of physical stability in a variety of rhythms (stick to simple rhythms, don't pass out or harm yourself). Learning circular breathing with a didgeridoo or a 4-6ft. length of 1+ 1/4 a.b.s. plumbing is very useful. Make droning tones by buzzing your lips loosely. Circular breathing will stabilize ones emotions and activate both hemispheres of the brain.
One learns to vocally or subvocally focus ones attention on a repeated word or words or sounds (most choose a divine name or something similar but nonsense or plumbing drone will do). These are vibrated, deeply. One sacrifices ones non-stop flow of inner considerations to stabilize and clear ones mind.
One finds a set of rules or observances to follow. It doesn't matter what they are as long as one finds the way of life that doesn't draw one in to getting excited about the problems and identifications of life. Set up your life to utilize every conventional activity in a different way that challenge your own preconceptions. This stabilizes social and sexual imprinted behaviors as well as beginning one on the path of doing work on self during all of ones life (not just on retreats etc.)
One, having done these things daily, learns to rest longer and longer in eternal stillness and reconciliation.
One "art" we share with others that fills all of these considerations, but remains a behavior separate from ones ordinary human pursuits is the art of rock balancing. The subtleties of rock balancing are best experienced in person. Call if you wish personal coaching.
One learns hypnosis, persuasion, behavioral psychology, and neuro-linguistic programming, to better understand oneself and make one more precise with communications.
One learns a good banishing ritual and protective bubble variations. One learns to bless and exorcise.
One learns to charge up ones energy body daily and connect the center of the earth and the center of the universe to ones center of being.
One learns to consecrate magiqual toolz.
One learns to evoke and invoke theatrically.
One constantly experiments with various forms of gnosis(mild to seething) and sleight of mind magix.
One adopts a symbol system for divination and once it is fully digested, one becomes good enough to charge money for readings.
One learns the inner smile, healing sounds, and microcosmic orbit meditations of taoist esoteric yoga. After practising this for a few months or years One then advances to the macrocosmic orbit and fusion of the five elements practise.
One begins the journey to obtain fifth dan black belt in togakure ryu ninjutsu or master another movement with attention art.
One learns shamanic trance journeying. Progressive relaxation, light, sound and movement trances are explored. One makes journeys to the lower worlds to contact ones power animal and begins to develop relations with underworld beings. In the middle world one goes on quests and journeys, one learns to "see" into other worlds and retrieve data about this world. One flies or climbs to the upper worlds - fly for guidance or just to map sky world's paradise. The 6 stage shape shifting process is also worked with.
One completes three months of the energized meditations developed by C. Hyatt.
One studies and gives performances or lectures based on various cosmologies, or guided by spirits, one develops ones own mythology. One also becomes proficient in reading the american book of the dead by E.J. Gold.
This work is cumulative and accelerates as one progresses. One graduates when one has found a way to include these activities in one's every day. Also one has acheived a greater level of conscious control of ones movements, emotions and ones mind and one has developed a "practical on all levels"(especially this human level) relationship with unseen worlds, beings, energies, the unknown etc.
Remember often the preciousness of this life in which the conditions exist that we might aspire to our perfect completion and renewal as death may lurk around the next turn.
Every moment exquisitely precious.