Friday, January 25, 2008

dream awake


Anonymous said...

Where is the way to home???

Sun-jay said...

The way is where we found it now, wasn't it?
this is it!
Always arriving without ever leaving.
effortless effort.
when it all falls away what is left?
the peace of oneness.
the center of the wheel.
coming home/cumming aum.

im going ho o ome!
-dr. Frankenfurter- (just before being zapped)

Sun-jay said...

if you don't think you could possibly merge with an object of anger or fear or jealousy you better conquer those tendencies before you attempt to merge, right?

The separation between the world and the essential self occurs by unconsciousness and considerations of differentiation. Lumped together these are just symptoms of your own conspiracy against yourself in the endless cosmic game called "keep it going."

Sun-jay said...

all phenomena is illusion.
what is not illusion?
No one thing more than another.

appearing in the dream, emotion thought sensation. With or without my presence the play goes on.

impartial to it all
alert and watchful
not making any sudden moves
my habits will carry me through.

(hint. what habits exactly will carry the essence through? should be a question that becomes the centrum of gravity for ones being for a time.)

a.k.a. 88 ball point rd.

Anonymous said...

GAME IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

thee overgame never ends as it never begins. you're it!

Anonymous said...

Don’t play even the overgame with looser!!!
It causes the lost of proficiency!!!

Sun-jay said...

come to a complete stop.
the ________ game is about to end.
You are about to be set face to face with the clear light.
gently merge with it. it is your own true nature.

Games are behavioral sequences defined by roles, rules, rituals, goals, strategies, values, language, characteristic space time locations and characteristic patterns of movement. Any behavior not having these nine features is non-game: This includes physiological reflexes, spontaneous play, and transcendant awareness.