Thursday, January 31, 2008

Surfing one's continuum

When one gazes at plants it is very relaxing. Eventually with relaxed purrsistance they seem to move and plant visions appear. This is an indication of purrrceiving with ones energy body.

Trees also are good to gaze at. See if you can let the vision go on without returning to ordinary purrrception for a short time. If non ordinary awareness intrudes too forcefully or makes you lose you balance(on any level) a good cold shower should bring you back to ordinary purrception.

Once at a party in a room full of people i practised gazing at a house plant right in front of me. Shortly the plant started sprouting towards me rapidly and wrapped all around me then suddenly withdrew spinning me and giving me a vision of everybody in the room rapidly strobing into different bodies races sexes, this was amusing because some of the people were definitely racists and they became every race and sexual orientation. I started to react to this by self consciously laughing, rather than just being empty and observing and at this point my body lost balance and this brought me back to ordinary purrception.

Good luck, always bring a spotter because if it works for you , you may lose your balance as i did and need a friend to watch over you. Make sure you protect your navel by covering it with your palms. and ground everthing afterwards.

Love hope and gratitude to the guides.

May all beings find release from suffering.

Monday, January 28, 2008

welcome to this now moment eternal

Found your own civilisation with dharma as the foundation.

free out here on the edges of the formless frontier
good bye im going goodbye now bye

May all be healthy and happy.
May none suffer.

brought to you by Gold and Apel

send no money now!

a new way to purrr

Wandering through endless endlessness i now have the power to change the dream being both dreamed and dreamer.

Monday, January 21, 2008

bardo throb

Tha heart of the labyrinth, chamber of throbbing intensity, purifies! Let go into the cleansing radiations, gently merge into the clear light of the void.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

every Night we disappear

a whole new coyotagory

As we fall asleep we let go of everything and slip into sleep, disappearing. To master this process without falling asleep requires meditation as a way of life, but it is something we already have experienced. It is a memory.

Meditation is not something we can "do", one can't actually meditate. Rather it is something that happens to us, something we can only create the conditions for. A good workable idea about disappearing is that disappearing is approachable by ultimately acheiving the state known as "burning with the awareness of the totality of ourselves" but disappearing can be experienced, worked with, now, by embracing pain as a cleansing radiation and sacrificing ones mechanical suffering, by eliminating self importance, by erasing ones personal history, etc. , sometimes in excruciating increments.
Disappearing is going to occur in direct experience, not in reason and it will be a new category with which one has no reference points for so one must proceed with effortless effort, letting go and letting go of letting go, opening sensing and feeling using attention and eventually presence. If one can stay present and aware while letting everything fall away, as it does every night, what is left will be the real. The ego will be passive effectively disappearing. When one has mastered the ego through meditative discipline, mindfulness, and discernment, there is ego freedom to approach.


Obtain a mirror in which you can see your whole self in seated meditation position. Sit for 40 minutes per day, meditating. Split your attention 50/50 between relaxing your facial tension completely and staring into your own eyes. In around forty days you will observe yourself disappear during your sessions.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008

When the master is done helping the people say "Wow! Look what we did all by ourselves".

You want to improve the world?

i don't think it can be done.

The world is sacred. It can't be improved.

If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it.

If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it.

The universe is forever out of control. Let it go!

If you want to be given everthing, you must give everthing up.

Free of desire, in harmony, that which endures merely resides in the center.

All things are at peace.

If all people were centered, all people would be at peace, all things would be in harmony, earth would be paradise.

The only laws we would need would be written in our hearts.

Knowing others is intelligence. Knowing self is power.

Mastering others is strength. Mastering self is true power.

If you realise you have enough you are truely rich.

Friends along the way, let your work remain a mystery. Just show the people your success.

If you wish to be reborn then let yourself die.

If you stay centered and embrace death with your whole heart, you will endure forever.