Experiences with things that go ooh yah in the night, but which otherwise it is thought , they don't exist. Thanks and Hail Eris discordia goddess of chaos and confusion wife of Ares god of war and civilisation, my em and p. These lwa need to be worked with and i do it for no one so while you squeemish (me)idiots(me) who warn me about compassion and non violence get fooled into fluffy comfort i bathe in the pain of birth and growth to evolve because i am of indomitable will and wish to own the whole fukin planet , naw i wanna own the cosmos. Your herds childish ideas about santa/gods omnipotence are old stories of where I begin. My mother gave birth to primal duality and My father started civilisation and rules war. My mother is a trickster and my dad is the archetype of hard.Therefore as a reborn self made wogodman,
i claim a new title " omniversal teacher" my first utterances as a sexgod vagabond buddha are,
get away from the too much over work, the biological machine , the kids, and create space and time to become, human becoming, that is assuming you wish too, to be counted among my accomplices, meditate.
if you wish to have some references, search for and give things to people i plagarize, like, everyone who gnows and groks basically.
i was taught all i know by you!
For the humanimal, self-consciousness is co-extensive with tension, and the type of tension which first comes to mind is anxiety.May we begin to transform the tension based self-consciousness into clean, clear, blank, consciousness--which is Free Space-Time in which we may rebirth ourselves."
do create FREE SPACE-TIME--a place
where the self can dwell--a place where you can really choose--a place
of self-respect and integrity--a place in consciousness.
It is important not to be fooled by the words "consciousness" and
"super-consciousness" as neither come as a guaranteed gift; nor is
consciousness in one person equal to that of another--some people are
simple born with more of the "stuff."
Q. sunjye how come you always look so enlightened?
A.many of my enlightened states are just better quality masks than are available to the average voyager of earth thats all! its also cause my job is fun, pays lots of loonys and i rarely do it.
laugh well,
oh mama
"And again, if a [you] should see a body, one day dead, or two days dead, or three days dead, swollen, blue and festering, discarded in the charnel ground, shi then compares it to hir own body thus: "Truly this body is of the same nature, it will become like that and cannot escape from it"
should shi see a body, discarded in the charnel ground, that is just rotted bones, crumbling to dust, shi then compares it to hir own body thus: "Truly this body is of the same nature, it will become like that and cannot escape from it."
To summarize, shi is firmly mindful of the fact that only the body exists (not a soul, a self or I). That mindfulness is just for gaining insight and mindfulness progressively. Being detached from craving and wrong views shi dwells without clinging to anything in the world. shi dwells perceiving again and again the body as just the body."
Most humans are herd animals.
The more PC way to say this is that most humans are "social beings."
What is next?
There is no way to know.
Smart, non-herd animal, independent, aggressive human becomings. Possibly rememforming themselves into infinite eternal laticeworks and sporting in infinitebliss as a completion of the great work.
we find the demographic to be largely (although, fortunately, not completely) male, of average or above IQ, 12-60 years-old, with mild to moderate anti-social personality disorder, and most have had at least one adverse encouner with the authorities. All of the above following a typical Gaussian distribution. One goal of me friendlies is to offer information on how to channel such ones into powerful, productive, self actualizing individuals, and out of the Nest-Digest-Congest or Penal systems.
greater than all
the few, the brave
like the boy staring up the dress
you know you owns you, you can tell when shi is near.
In our society, verbal skills are regarded as a sign of intelligence when, in fact, many people can be very expressive and glib without having insight, structure or factually-based arguments.
May bulldada fall upon you and off of you like water off a ducks back until they call you wholey chao.
bless the mothers
The herd l;eaders have forgotten that people can only be fooled so many times before apathy is replaced with fearless action.
secret name
secret secrets
discordian voodoo
if this blog disturbs you kootchie koo!
If you are able
force yourself past your own discomfort to do the necessary work.
But why are some humanimals forcing themselves to become more? Pain?
Yes, that is the answer, pain. Not some high end virtue, but simple
humanimal pain--
1 comment:
cocksure! ain't we fuknut?
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