Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Don't read this!

A man who had studied much in the schools of wisdom
finally died in the fullness of time and found himself
at the Gates of Eternity.
An angel of light approached him and said, "Go no further,
O mortal, until you have proven to me your worthiness
to enter into Paradise!"
But the man answered, "Just a minute now. First of all, can
you prove to me this is a real Heaven, and not just
the wild fantasy of my disordered mind undergoing death?"
Before the angel could reply, a voice from inside the gates
"Let him in - he's one of us!"

There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is Goddess.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is your Goddess.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is real.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is imaginary.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is all the Gods and Goddesses.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is everything.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is nothing.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and She is Love.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and She is Chaos.
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and She is ERIS.

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