Sunday, November 12, 2006

the travelling balance ceremony

look for these "balances" around toronto.
sunjye the shaman creates stone balance sculpture circles in toronto and surround. The circle is a powerful tool, sort of a compass, for the shaman or shamanka to orient themselves in many worlds. the balances themselves are astonishing to people, the sculptures look impossible so peoples "totally open to miracles happening now" attention goes into the balances which act as antennas and acupucture needles for the earth getting Erda's energies moving and harmonized. this is a ceremony for the individuals that contact it, the community it happens in and for mother earth.

to do this work sunjye labours intensively carrying rocks and rubble,etc., S. does this for the good of all beings. If you wish to contribute money to make these healing and inspiring installations possible please do( , it is needed. thank you.

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