Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Street Healers

Nuit Blanche was awesome! Lots of you inquiring into public art encountered our lithopuncture healing space installation. Check coverage, he visits our installation speaks to sunjye(sorry about the mumbling, i was already a bit tired) and shows a shamanic egg cleansing ceremony performed by Twitch. Our coverage starts from about the minute and a half mark on Seans youtube video. Thank you Sean Ward and T.O. for your support and love. be balance! email

Friday, October 01, 2010

nuit blanche - Lithopuncture Healing Space

hey blogonauts!
Toronto artists Twitch and suNjye will be inquiring into healing and art in public again for this nuit blanch, using a crowd zen approach and engaging healing work inside a wonderous stone balance circle.
A big up to the Foundation for the Study of Objective art, gallery Arcturus , and Cityart for their support and comraderie. Look for us near queen and spadina.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Harmony enters in.

Feel stone and heaven and earth in unfolding balance tableau quiet listening movements.

Through sensation into feeling, the continual freshness of playing with stones engages.
Mmmm yes, this beautiful harmony, feel it.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

balance, ball and lance.


euphoria and misery and the dynamic balance contributed to by many forces

Everything in relationship contains forces that seem mutually exclusive and at the same time depend on one another.
the shady side of the hill is mutually interdependent with the sunny side.

ball and lance- two opposite states of the same stuff, like water and vapour
nothing in the world escapes this opposition
it is the force of this inner contradiction that is the motive of all change, development and decay.
The ball lance balance relationship
is normally in balance
a complementary unity
one contains the seed of the other
nothing is entirely one or the other, they are inseparable
they transform into each other cyclically.
this is called the way

night and day
there are four possible states of
out of balance
too much ball, shade, yin, contraction.
too much lance, sun, yang, expansion.
weakness of ball- not enough water, shade, material.
weakness of lance- not enough fire, sun, energy.
remember when conditions are right, ball and lance transform into each other
the egg becomes the chick when it gets the right heat

a stone however does not transform into a chick with heat

Thursday, February 04, 2010

You wanna be a Shaman?

what is a shaman?
a shame man?
Many academics go with the flow of definitions springing from fellow anthropologist Mircea's dry unverified interpretations and miss the mark entirely.
A huge market of new age "shamans" exists. this methinks is at best shamanizing and not the actual thing originally encountered by early anthropologist from our culture.With esotericsm and meditation and prayer often there is an immature tendency to want to instead da da da daaa save the world when faced with very humble beginning work and many develop their egos with shamanic personas then exploitation and marketing follow shortly. All religions may be ego trips.
Now everywhere on earth before modern culture changed it, people existed in ways resonant with survival that had developed, one could deduce, at least in some cases, from the beginning of cultural knowledge, unique to the whole character of the people as manifestations of that space. The unbroken esoteric(dealing with the invisible ) lineages that have survived among these original cultures may have among them a station that has the title shaman or its local variation.

This is most likely the most precious resource on earth and may be remnants from when conditions were present for contact with higher dimension and our culture destroys these ways of living in harmony with the space around us instead of being respectful of the preciousness of original culture and helping the people transit to our world while learning from their most honorable knowledge and wisdom bearers and teachers , gratefully. Of course the relatively short existence of our culture compared to the original ones coupled with the fact that every nation is obviously bankrupt may also interest one in cultures that have managed to live here from the beginning. This is one way of seeing what is going on here now but it to is of course b.s. too. Fully agree with all you see participate! It is the only way to know.
Shaman supposedly means knower.

Who or what is the ego, or ,what does meaning mean meanie?

notice fixating
do be do be do
If we were shaman would we tell?

for a free Traditional Chinese Medicine consultation.

A working definition of heal: hale, whole.
Sunjye's healing hands have been mastering Polarity Therapy, Hot Stone Qi Massage ( acupressure massage with water worn hot basalt stones) and Traditional Chinese Medicine ( herbs, acupuncture, tuina, etc) for over twenty years and he comes highly recommended.
In the art world sunjye's performance of lithopuncture(stone acupuncture) by rock balancing involves working with huge amounts of energy(qi). You can feel it in his hands, eyes, and presence. Sunjye also shares the practice of Qi Gong( mastering energy) and Tai Qi as part of the holistic way.
Sunjye is available to perform stone balancing and healing at your event.

We are balancing stones now somewhere near ryerson campus on Gerard st. e.. Soon we will be working at the Tranzac on bruinswick ave at bloor. Stop and say hi.