Wednesday, April 01, 2009

CityArt Gallery

Come see my work at City Art Gallery 230 Queen st. e. The reception is saturday april 4th 3pm until 6pm!

email for booking info

1 comment:

Jacobson said...

Some big companies that we all know about started out really small. Sometimes, you just have to heed the advice someone else gives you. Choosing a warehouse can be simple, but getting the right one that allows your business to grow and develop takes some thought and a clear business model. It can be expensive to change long term leases part way through, so selecting a landlord or manager who has a flexible approach to working with you can be as important as the final price agreed for the facility. This means that no one is cut off despite having literacy issues which means that the playing, or training field, is kept level which means equal opportunity for those who successfully complete the course.