Saturday, June 07, 2008

Painful Glance

Painful glance

at a habitual stance

opens the way to capture

the mechanical losses

and train them to

be so much more

than barbarians

by being so much less;


Paying attention only hurts a little bit at first,

if youre overly seduced into a form,

like the air in a hollow squared cube,

the formless taking on the shape of form

and resisting being free of form just yet.

we have all worn the wheel

that is born and conditioned

this contemplative formless form turns

in stillness

silently reborn in vitality of forever

beyond dream

a sweet jest on the way to annihilation.

if this joke was never told

would we have laughed as loud

loud enough to smile forever

subtle enough to almost miss

as we blend and merge

with the worlds implicate punchline

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too beautiful to look upon too long
To long for what is beautiful to look upon

A painful glance a glancing blow
A glancing blow to my heart

Look not to see but look to be
Look to be beautiful to look upon

You are so lovely to gaze upon