Saturday, March 04, 2006


Some think or model that brain chemistry explains their pleasure pain elation depression. This is just another layer of interpretation, as science(little more than a pimp itself) now knows the theory behind chemistry is quantum electro dynamics. This model makes one think that mabey their is a little more bend to realities than we had previously assumed. Some teachings now recommend understanding oneslf as a conglomeration of bioelectric fields (e-meter and etc.) to better experience oneness, or to surf probability fields or choose/collapse into specific states.

It is taught that in the human, bioelectrically between the gross physical field and the subtle field is another field created by impingment. Work on these aspects is prebreakdown(death) training for what comes next. After our Gross physical field is annihilated by death, What then for the subtle field?
Learning to walk in the real world.

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